Heart with Wings

Greetings of Love, Harmony, and Beauty

In the words of Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:
"It is the depth of thought that is powerful, and sincerity of feeling which creates atmosphere... No word ever spoken is lost; it remains, and it vibrates according to the spirit put into it. It is the depth of thought that is powerful, and sincerity of feeling which creates atmosphere."

"Human love is given to illuminate by its sincerity the heart of another, there is no greater power to inspire than the power of love... Love is given to inspire divine love in the heart of man, and all the beauty that man sees on earth is beauty created by the power of love, and by the power of love he learns to recognize it as a reflection of the beauty of heaven. Thus may earth become heaven, and heaven and earth one single vision of the glory of God."

"The method of attainment is to endeavor always to make others happy and by experiencing happiness in the happiness of others...   If a person needs a certain thing and we can supply it, we should be happy, however small the thing may be."

Here you will find links to teachings by Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, Murshid Hidayat Inayat-Khan, and Murshida Nuria Stephanie Sabato. May these teachings serve to bring you real happiness and illumination to your life's Path.